Givin’ Me Life: Why a Generator Makes the Perfect Gift
The holiday season is officially here and one thing comes to mind first: gift-giving. From a ~wild~ assortment of socks to a brand new toaster oven, the possibilities are completely endless. However, if you’re growing weary of gifting the same stocking stuffers year-after-year, then maybe it’s time you thought about gifting a generator — and here’s why:
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Unlike that new-fangled smartwatch that everyone at the office has, a generator will be the gift that keeps on giving! That’s right: when the winter winds begin to unleash their wrath on powerlines, your home may suddenly, well, lose power abruptly — and then you’ll be singing holiday tunes in complete darkness. However, if you have a Generac Power Generator (which is the perfect fit for any residential property), you’ll then be able to continue on with the holiday festivities — with the lights on!
Sit Back and Relax
Under the impression that a generator will require more maintenance than a new puppy? Guess again. When you have a Generac Power Generator installed on your property, not only will you be saving money on installation, but your generator will also operate automatically! That’s right: instead of throwing on an assortment of mismatched winter gear to trek outside and turn it on, the Generac Power Generator will operate when you’re home (or on a lavish tropical vacation). Within mere seconds, this generator will restore your electricity in no time — with no effort on your end!
The Perfect Tech Accessory
Looking for a generator that can pair with your tablet or smartphone (and a standard computer, too)? The Generac Power Generator is completely compatible with these devices and even comes equipped with a multilingual LCD display — which will come in handy if you happen to leave your phone on your couch again. In addition, when you purchase a generator from Cannondale, our customer service is unmatched, since we offer 24/7 365 customer support — because let’s face it: power outages aren’t a 9-to-5 thing, and we’ll never leave you in the dark!
The holiday season is special for us here at Cannondale Generators and we love helping our clients prepare. The Winter weather is not as kind as our technicians and outages could be lurking just around the corner.
To learn more about the Generac Power Generator, or our additional generators, call Cannondale at 203-762-2608 or contact us online for more information!